Spanish Dance Exams
March 4, 2019
Twenty-seven students from the Love To Dance Academy in Merritt, successfully completed and passed their annual Spanish Exams.
Five adjudicators judged the dancers aged 4 - 16, awarding marks for technical ability, musicality and performance value.
The following students were awarded the highest scores in their respective levels:
Level 4: Nia Kuzio - 91%
Level 2: Dani Kuzio - 83%
Level 1: Kinley Stewart - 84%
Beginner Level: Danika Fader - 89%
Sparkles Level 2: Kate van Rensburg - 91%
Back Row: Dani Kuzio (11), Nia Kuzio (14), Kinley Stewart (9)
Front Row: Danika Fader (7), Kate van Rensburg (5)